“Never quit. That's how you win.”
Combat Medic
Ajay Che, aka Lifeline, isn’t someone you would expect to find in the Apex Games. The child of wealthy war profiteers, she left home when she learned of the damage her family had caused and enlisted in the Frontier Corps, a humanitarian organization that aids Frontier communities in need. She’s since devoted her life to helping others and joined the Apex Games to give more funds to those in need.
Since no one in the Games is innocent — they all know what they signed up for — and every one of her victories means help for those in need, Lifeline has no problem engaging in the popular bloodsport. Or so she tells herself. She may seem sarcastic and callous, but deep down she wants to help people and make the world a better place. If that means taking a few people down in the process, so be it.
- Craft unrecovered or expired ally banner cards at Replicators
- Access the hidden loot in blue Extended Supply Bins for Healing and Survival Items
<b>D.O.C. Heal Drone</b>
D.O.C. heals all nearby allies. D.O.C. can be assigned to follow allies once deployed.
<b>Combat Glide</b>
Lifeline can grab D.O.C and glide for a few seconds. You can switch between hold and toggle mode in the options menu.
Deploy D.O.C to revive teammates, leaving you free to move and defend.
<b>D.O.C. Halo</b>
Throw D.O.C. to activate his Halo Shield System. All players inside use Health and Consumables faster.