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The Road Ahead, April 2023

Emperor's Demise Event

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Welcome to the April 2023 Road Ahead! May the 4th is around the corner and we have exciting news to share with you today. We will kick off this Road Ahead with the final details around the Raid changes and the new Krayt Dragon Raid and then dive into our May the 4th plans. We also have news of a future Quality of Life update as well as details on a new Capital Ship.


May the 4th

May the 4th is almost upon us and as is tradition, we will be sending a unique portrait, title, and assortment of goodies to your inbox as a special gift!

Inbox Contents:

  • New Portrait & Title
  • Clone Wars Chewbacca Shards x3
    • Zeta Ability Material x5
    • Credits x500,000
    • Ship Building Materials x500,000
    • Mk 1 Bonding Pin x75
    • Mk 1 Fusion Disk x75
    • Mk 1 Power Flow Control Chip x75
    • Mk 1 Fusion Coil x75
    • Mk 1 Amplifier x75
    • Mk 1 Capacitor x75
    • Mk 2 Pulse Modulator x75
    • Fragmented Signal Data x40
    • Incomplete Signal Data x15
    • Flawed Signal Data x10
    • Carbonite Circuit Board x90
    • Bronzium Wiring x70
    • Chromium Transistor x15
    • Aurodium Heatsink x5
    • Electrium Conductor x5
    • Zinbiddle Card x5
    • Impulse Detector x3
    • Aeromagnifier x3
    • Gyrda Keypad x2
    • Droid Brain x2
    • Iden Versio x5
    • Second Sister x5
    • Ninth Sister x5
    • Seven Sister x5
    • Eighth Brother x5
    • Fifth Brother x5
    • 50R-T x5
    • Admiral Raddus x5
    • Krrsantan x5
    • Skiff Guard (Lando Calrissian) x5
    • Boushh x5
    • Hondo Ohnaka x5
    • 0-0-0 x5
    • BT-1 x5
    • Sana Starros x5
    • Zorii Bliss x5
    • Tusken Chieftain x5
    • Tusken Huntress x5

Free May the 4th Calendar:

  • MG-100
  • TIE Echelon
  • Outrider
  • Raven’s Claw
  • TIE Defender
  • Omegas / Ship Omegas
  • Ship Materials
  • Core Gear

Free Revenge of the Fifth Calendar (Web store only):

  • Omicron
  • Kyrotechs
  • G12 Salvage

Title: Survivor

  • Short Description: As long as we fight, hope survives.
  • Long Description: Hope will always survive in those who continue to fight. Like you, BD-1.


  • Name: You, uh, know any jokes, BD?
  • Description: Be-beep! Boo bee trill beep boo?

We are also celebrating May the Fourth with double drop events!

Double Drops Schedule:

  • Start: 05/04/2023
  • End: 05/07/2023

Each day will have Double Drops on all of the following areas:

  • Light Side Battles
  • Dark Side Battles
  • Cantina Battles
  • Fleet Battles
  • Mod Battles


Update on Upcoming Raid System

We discussed the upcoming Raid changes and the new Krayt Dragon Raid in the last Road Ahead, but wanted to share some additional details around what you can expect. 

First up, a reminder that all Raids will be disabled for a period of time while we switch over to the new system. You will need to FINISH your Guild’s Raid before the blackout starts. No Raids can be launched during this time and no rewards will be given for canceled Raids. All Guilds will be granted max Guild Event currencies and will be able to start the Raid of their choice immediately after the blackout ends. This Raid blackout period is currently scheduled to start around April 27th and will last for approximately a week.

Now let’s dive into some specifics around what you will be facing: the Krayt Dragon! This battle recreates one of our favorite scenes from The Mandalorian where Din Djarin helps the Tuskens and the local townsfolk deal with a terrifying underground menace.

There are a number of different mechanics you will need to consider when taking on the Krayt Dragon. The Krayt Dragon has some incredibly powerful abilities that get even stronger when it is Enraged. We know some of you can’t wait to get your theorycrafting hats on so here are some details that will help you prepare for your first encounter.

(Note: the features below are still receiving final balance and tuning)

Basic: Bite

  • Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Daze them for 2 turns. Deal Physical damage to all other enemies.
  • Enraged: Stun target enemy for 2 turns. Daze all enemies for 2 turns.

Special 1: Acid Spray (Cooldown: 2)

  • Instantly defeat any enemies that are currently Swallowed. Dispel all buffs on all enemies. Deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Defense Down, Expose, Poisoned, Speed Down, and Vulnerability for 2 turns.
  • Poisoned: -50% Health and Protection recovery; can't recover Health with Health Steal; takes damage each turn equal to 75% of the total Health and Protection recovered since their last turn for each time Health or Protection was recovered since their last turn
  • Enraged: Defense Down, Expose, Poisoned, Speed Down, and Vulnerability can't be dispelled or resisted.

Special 2: Swallow Whole (Cooldown: 4)

  • Swallow target enemy and remove their status effects. The Krayt Dragon gains 20 stacks of Defiance, and its Speed is reduced by 25% while an enemy is Swallowed. When Fearsome Defiance is removed, the Swallowed enemy is returned. If the Swallowed enemy is the last enemy, the battle immediately ends. This ability starts each battle on cooldown with 1 turn remaining.
  • Swallowed: Unit is suppressed
  • Enraged: If this is the first ability used this turn, reset its cooldown.

Special 3: Burrow (Cooldown: 4)

  • Gain 20% bonus Protection and the granted ability Emerge until it is used or until this bonus Protection is removed. While the Krayt Dragon has this bonus Protection, it can't lose Defiance, Health, or Turn Meter (excluding from Bundles of Explosives), its Speed is reduced by 25%, and damage it receives from Bundles of Explosives is increased by 400%. This ability starts each battle on cooldown with 2 turns remaining.
  • Enraged: Damage the Krayt Dragon receives from Bundles of Explosives is no longer increased.
  • Emerge: Deal true damage to all enemies, dealing more damage based on the amount of bonus Protection remaining, and Stun all enemies for 1 turn. Then, the Krayt Dragon loses all bonus Protection. This attack can't be evaded.

Unique 1: Apex Predator

  • Damage the Krayt Dragon receives is increased by 75%. Whenever the Krayt Dragon is damaged while it doesn't have bonus Protection and it doesn't have an enemy Swallowed, it gains 6% Turn Meter.
  • Whenever any character takes a turn, the Krayt Dragon gains 1% Enrage. Whenever the Krayt Dragon takes a turn, it gains an additional 4% Enrage and 4 stacks of Defiance. Whenever an enemy removes Turn Meter from the Krayt Dragon, it gains 1% Enrage for each 10% Turn Meter removed. When it reaches 100%, the Krayt Dragon becomes Enraged. The battle immediately ends after the Krayt Dragon has taken 5 turns while Enraged or if all active enemies are Swallowed.
  • For each 5,000 points earned in this battle after 50,000 points, this unit gains 3% Offense (stacking). This bonus increases by an additional 3% each time.

Unique 2: Fearsome Defiance

  • When inflicted with the following debuffs, lose stacks of Defiance and remove those debuffs. If no stacks of Defiance are present, this unit is immune to these debuffs.
  • Fearsome Defiance: Lose stacks when inflicted with the following debuffs
  • Stun and Fear: 8 stacks
  • Ability Block: 6 stacks
  • Daze: 4 stacks
  • Blind: 3 stacks
  • Stagger: 2 stacks
  • Tenacity Down: 1 stack

NOTE: These are base versions of the abilities without any modifiers

Event Abilities and Bonuses

Raid progress is earned by dealing damage to the Krayt Dragon while it doesn't have bonus Protection so you will need to utilize the explosive-laden Banthas or some of the Granted Abilities to help you turn the tide of battle and earn as many points as possible.

Bundle of Explosives

Detonates after receiving damage 5 times, dealing damage to the Krayt Dragon and other Bundles of Explosives. If the Krayt Dragon has bonus Protection and isn't Enraged, also reduce its Turn Meter by 15%. Immune to all status effects.

Granted Abilities

Fire Ballista (Cooldown Speed: 100)

  • Deal true damage to target enemy 2 times and inflict Daze, Stagger, and Stun for 1 turn 2 times. This attack can't be evaded or resisted.
  • If a non-Attacker used this ability, it deals 15% more damage for each stack of Momentum they had.

Replant Explosives (Cooldown Speed: 100)

  • Plant 2 Bundles of Explosives around the Krayt Dragon (max 3).
  • This ability can't be used if there are already 3 Bundles of Explosives.

Hero Unit Bonuses

  • This character has +100% Max Health and Max Protection. At the start of this character's turn, they dispel all debuffs on themselves and reduce the cooldown of Fire Ballista and Replant Explosives by 20%. When this character uses Fire Ballista or Replant Explosives, reduce its cooldown by 40%.
  • The first time each turn this character attacks out of turn, they have a 75% chance to inflict a stack of Damage Over Time on target enemy for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Damage Over Time effect, this character gains 1 stack of Momentum. This character has +30% Potency and deals 5% more damage per stack of Momentum.
  • This character is immune to Poisoned. Damage this character deals is reduced by 50%. Whenever this character damages an enemy, it doesn't trigger Turn Meter gain, and they have a 75% chance to inflict Tenacity Down for 2 turns.
  • These effects don't stack with the same effect from other Faction Bonus abilities.

Faction Bonuses

Faction Bonus: Hutt Cartel

Whenever a Hutt Cartel ally damages a Bundle of Explosives, it immediately detonates and deals double damage to the Krayt Dragon.
At the start of this character's turn, reduce the cooldown of Replant Explosives by 20%. When this character uses Replant Explosives, reduce its cooldown by 40%.

Faction Bonus: Jawa

This character has +100% Max Health and Max Protection. At the start of this character's turn, they dispel all debuffs on themselves. Whenever a Jawa ally inflicts a Thermal Detonator on an enemy, damage that enemy receives from Jawas and Thermal Detonators is increased by 8% for each active Jawa (stacking).

Faction Bonus: Mandalorian

This character is immune to Poisoned. Damage this character deals is reduced by 50%.
Whenever this character deals damage, it doesn't trigger Turn Meter gain on enemies, and they have a 75% chance to inflict Tenacity Down for 2 turns on all enemies.

Faction Bonus: Old Republic

Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a stack of Damage Over Time, Old Republic allies deal 1% more damage until the end of battle (stacking) for each active Old Republic ally. The first time each turn this character attacks out of turn, they have a 75% chance to inflict a stack of Damage Over Time on target enemy for 1 turn.

Faction Bonus: Tusken

At the start of this character's turn, reduce the cooldown of Fire Ballista by 20%. When this character uses Fire Ballista, reduce its cooldown by 40%.
This character has +30% Potency and deals 5% more damage per stack of Momentum.


Speaking of points, you can earn even more of them by enabling additional levels of modifiers. These make the encounter more difficult but will also boost your score. Don’t be afraid to try a variety of modifiers - you can always rechoose them and attempt again without any penalty. Your Raid attempts will only count if you submit that attempt, allowing you to retry without submitting a score as many times as you want.

These difficulty modifiers also allow many different levels of players to participate in the event. Base difficulty will be around G10/HSTR (Note: this balance is still being finalized) and can be scaled up to challenge even the strongest players in the game.


  • Level 1 - (Req: G12) Additional Effects:
    • The Krayt Dragon gains 10% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, Speed, and Tenacity. Damage it receives is decreased by 25%.
    • Slam: Inflict Stun for 1 turn if the enemy was already Dazed, which can't be evaded
    • Swallow: Gain Critical Hit Immunity and Tenacity Up for 2 turns
  • Level 2 - (Req: Relic 1) Additional Effects:
    • The Krayt Dragon gains 15% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, Speed, and Tenacity. Damage it receives is decreased by 50%.
    • Acid Spray: Inflict Blind for 2 turns, which can't be evaded
    • Burrow: Dispel all debuffs on the Krayt Dragon and gain Offense Up for 2 turns
  • Level 3 - (Req: Relic 3) Additional Effects:
    • The Krayt Dragon gains 15% Accuracy, Critical Avoidance, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, Defense Penetration, Offense, Potency, Speed, and Tenacity.
    • Slam: Deal 50% more damage
    • Swallow: Generate an additional 16 stacks of Defiance
  • Level 4 - (Req: Relic 5) Additional Effects:
    • ???
  • Level 5 - (Req: Relic 7) Additional Effects:
    • ???
  • Level 6 - (Req: Relic 8) Additional Effects:
    • ???

The last 3 tiers of Modifiers we are keeping secret. You will have to find out when the Title Update launches!


Quality of Life Changes

Besides the new Raid and the extensive changes to the Raid system, we also have some exciting news for the next Title Update after these Raid changes. While these are a little farther out, there are two Quality of Life changes in particular that we want to announce: Territory Battle Stat Tracking Improvements and Fleet Management. 

Improved Territory Battle Stat Tracking

Our first quality of life change is new tools to better track Territory Battle performance among Guild members. Tracking which Guild members are all-stars and which need a little reminder to do their Territory Battles can be challenging, and we think our revamped UI will help Guild leaders and officers quickly review the entire Guild stats for an event.


Also, in the Phase Info section, any Guild member will be able to see a more detailed breakdown on the points system, including who earned the points, when they did, and how they did.

Fleet Management

And now on to Fleet Management, one of the most requested new features for Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes

Similar to the Squad tab in your inventory, we’re excited to share that the Fleet tab will allow you to save a Capital Ship, starting line up, and Reinforcements as a Fleet. You can then select from your saved Fleets which group you want to bring into battle.

We have also updated the pre-battle Fleet screen with more information. You can quickly find the Gear Level of your pilots from the new icon on the right side of each ship, and we have brought the Synergy indicator to Fleet Battles.



The Sith Fleet Grows

A new king of Fleet battles is coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Commanded by Darth Revan, the Leviathan is a brand new Capital ship that is poised to overcome both Executor and Profundity. 

As with the other capital ships of the Sith fleet, the Leviathan was originally a Republic Navy vessel. This Sith interdictor ship was stolen by the defector Saul Karath and turned into a formidable warship for the Sith Empire. With a focus on Sith and Sith Empire, Leviathan will turn the tide of battle with an Ultimate that will bring even the strongest fleets crashing down.

To support this new fleet, we have a number of new Sith ships coming to holotables. Utilize the new Fury-class Interceptor, along with other upcoming Sith ships to unlock Leviathan in a limited time Journey Guide Fleet Mastery. Make sure to unlock the Fury-class Interceptor from Conquest right away if you want to unlock this new Capital ship at launch!


That’s A Wrap

Thanks for reading this month’s Road Ahead. A reminder that many of these announcements are still in development and details are subject to change. We hope you are excited for the new Raid and everything else we announced today (Leviathan hype!).

- Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Development Team

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