UFC 5 Clinch Offense Tips & tricks
Learn how to improve your skills in UFC 5
Attempt Clinch
New to UFC 4, the Clinch is the close-range, grapple-fight variation of the Stand-up Game. To enter the Clinch, hold ^RB^ and tap ^X^ or ^Y^ (whichever is your Lead hand).
Move your Opponent
Use ^LS^ to move your opponent around in the Clinch. The Clinch won't last forever, so time your strikes and attempt your transitions quickly.
You can transition to a number of different positions like Single Under by tapping ^RB^ + ^X^ or ^Y^. You can throw different strikes, takedowns or submissions from each position.
Tap ^RB^ + ^X^ or ^Y^
As the dominant fighter in the Clinch, besides regular takedowns, you can attempt trips and throws, with ^RB^ + ^A^ or ^B^. Your fighter will need a Trip or Throw in their move arsenal. The movement direction can also affect which Trip or Throw will be used.
^RB^+^A^ or ^B^
Uppercuts and Hooks
Use ^X^ or ^Y^ to throw an Uppercut. Use ^LB^+^X^ or ^Y^ to throw Hooks. Use ^LT^ to modify any of these strikes to the body.
Uppercuts: ^X^ or ^Y^\nHooks: ^LB^ + ^X^ or ^Y^
Elbows can be very damaging inside the Clinch. Use ^LB^ + ^X^ + ^A^ or ^Y^ + ^B^ to throw Elbows inside the Clinch.
^LB^ + ^X^ + ^A^ or ^Y^ + ^B^
Throwing a Knee in the Clinch will advance you to the Muay Thai Plum. You can throw Knees to the Body and Head from this position. Use ^LT^+^A^ or ^B^ to throw Knees to the Body. Use ^LB^+^A^ or ^B^ to throw Knees to the Head. In cage positions, Knees to the Leg are also available, with ^A^ or ^B^.
Knees to Leg: ^A^ or ^B^\nKnees to the Body: ^LT^+^A^ or ^B^\nKnees to the Head: ^LB^+^A^ or ^B^
Flying Submissions
Flying Submissions are available on some fighters. For instance, use ^LT^ + ^RB^ + ^X^ to attempt a Flying Armbar, from the Collartie position. Check Game Help from the Pause Menu to view your fighter's Submissions.
^LT^ + ^RB^ + ^X^ or ^Y^