Battlefield 2042
for PC
Accessibility Resources

Mouse and Keyboard

Invert All Vertical Look
Select an option to invert all Vertical Look control settings. This option includes Off, On, and Custom. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look-On Foot
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for On Foot controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look- Vehicle Driver
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for Vehicle Driver controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look- Transport Driver
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for Transport Driver controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look-Gunner
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for Vehicle Gunner position controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look-Aircraft
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for Aircraft controls. The default is set to On.
Mouse Raw Input
Turn On/Off to enable or disable mouse raw input. The default is set to On.
On Foot

Soldier Mouse Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to control the sensitivity of soldier-related mouse movements when aiming. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 20.
Invert Vertical Look-On Foot
Turn On/Off to invert vertical (up/down) look for On Foot controls. The default is set to Off.
Field of View
Adjust the slider to set the Vertical Field of View. This option has a value range of 0 to 105. The default is set to 55.
ADS Field of View
Turn ON/Off to determine the relativity of the Field of View. When On, magnification of weapon sights will be relative to the user defined FOV. When Off, it will be relative to the default FOV. The default is set to Off.
Soldier Sprint
Choose whether to Hold or Click the button to activate Soldier Sprint. The default is set to Click.
Double Tap Forward to Sprint
Select an option to choose how to double tap forward to sprint. This option includes Off, Sprint, and Autosprint. Choose “Sprint” to double tap forward to sprint and keep sprinting whilst holding forward. Choose “Autosprint” to double tap forward to sprint and keep sprinting after releasing the forward button. Choose “Off” to disable double tap forward to sprint. The default is set to Off.
Set an input binding for Sprint. The default is left stick (press down).
Sprint to Vault Over
Turn On/Off to enable or disable the ability to vault over objects when sprinting. When enabled, this allows vaulting over objects wonky when sprinting and pressing the vault button if the obstacle is sufficiently thin. When disabled, vaulting up or over will automatically be decided based on the depth of the obstacle even if not sprinting. The default is set to Off.
Always Use Transversal Sprint
Turn On/Off to activate or deactivate always using Traversal Sprint when activating Sprint. By default, you can enter Traversal Sprint by pressing the Sprint button again after activating Sprint. Turning this option on changes this so that you always enter Traversal Sprint immediately upon activating Sprint. The default is set to Off.

Soldier Weapon Zoom
Choose whether to Hold button for soldier weapon zoom, or press the button to Toggle it on and off. The default is set to Hold.
Select an input binding for Zoom. The default is set to Right Mouse Button (click).
Steady Scope
Choose whether to Hold button for steady scope, or press the button to Toggle it on and off. The default is set to Hold.
Steady Scope
Select an input binding for Steady Scope. The default is LShift.
Soldier Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune the aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
Parachute Auto Deploy
Turn On/Off to choose to automatically deploy the player’s parachute or not. The default is set to Off.
Air Spawn Parachute Auto Deploy
Turn On/Off to choose when an air spawn parachute will automatically deploy. The default is set to On.
Quick Throw Grenades
Turn On/Off to throw quick grenades. WHen enabled, selecting the grenade will also throw the grenade instantly. This option only affects grenades deployed via quick throw with a controller. The default is set to Off.
Revive Interaction
Select an option to decide how you will use the revive interaction. This option includes Hold or Toggle. When using Hold, holding the button down will start a revive action on a downed player, releasing it will stop. When using Toggle, pressing once will start a revive action, pressing again will stop. The default is set to Toggle.
Request/Skip Revive
Select an option to choose how you will request or skip revival. This option includes Hold or Toggle. When using Hold, requesting a revive or skipping the downed state will require you to hold the button. When using Toggle, requesting a revive or skipping the downed state will only require a single press to perform the action, pressing again will cancel the request or stop skipping the downed state. The default is set to Hold.

Vertical Mouse Aim Ratio
Adjust the slider to change the ratio of vertical aim to horizontal aim for the soldier. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 48. At 100% the crosshair moves the same distance when aiming vertically as it does when aiming horizontally. Lower values dampen the vertical input to aid with finer control, while values near 100% keep vertical and horizontal movement similar.
Vertical Mouse Zoom Ratio
Adjust the slider to change the ratio of horizontal aim for the soldier when zoomed. The default is set to 80. At 100% the crosshair moves the same distance when aiming vertically as it does when aiming horizontally. Lower values dampen the vertical input to aid with finer control, while values near 100% keep vertical and horizontal movement similar.
Uniform Soldier Aiming
Turn On/Off to enable or disable the use of a procedural aim rate when in zoom, instead of the original preset numbers. The default is set to Off.
Adjust the scale to fine-tune the uniform soldier aiming. This option has a value range of 0 to 300. The default is set to 133.
Zoom Transition Sensitivity Smoothing
Turn On/Off to enable or disable zoom transition sensitivity smoothing. When enabled, the sensitivity transitions when aiming down sight instead of instantly transitioning to the zoomed sensitivity. The option only affects legacy soldier aiming users, Uniform Soldier Aiming already does smoothing automatically as part of the procedural calculation. The default is set to On.
1.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 1.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
1.25x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 1.25x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
1.50x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 1.50x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
2.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 2.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
2.50x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 2.50x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
3.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 3.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
3.50x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 3.50x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.

4.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 4.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
5.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 5.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
6.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 6.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
8.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 8.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.
10.00x Zoom Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon when in zoom using 10.00x magnification. It is applied multiplied by the base Soldier Zoom Sensitivity option. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default is set to 100.

Vehicle Mouse Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to change the sensitivity of aiming with a controller from the inside of a vehicle. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 20.
Invert Vertical Look- Vehicle Driver
Turn On/Off to enable or disable invert vertical *up.down look for Vehicle Driver controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look- Transport Driver
Turn On/Off to enable or disable invert vertical *up.down look for Transport Driver controls. The default is set to Off.
Invert Vertical Look- Gunner
Turn On/Off to enable or disable invert vertical *up.down look for Gunner controls. The default is set to Off.
Vehicle 3rd Person Field of View
Adjust the soldier to set the vertical Field of View for the chase camera. This option has a value range of 44 to 88. The default is set to 55.
Tank Aim Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune the aiming sensitivity for the driver weapon of tanks. This will scale the Vehicle Aim Sensitivity setting. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default value is set to 100.
Gunner Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune the aiming sensitivity for passenger weapons for both air and ground vehicles. This will scale the Vehicle Aim Sensitivity setting. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default value is set to 100.
Transport Vehicle Freelook Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to fine-tune the aiming sensitivity for the look-around camera of transport vehicles. This will scale the Vehicle Aim Sensitivity setting. This option has a value range of 10 to 200. The default value is set to 100.
Vehicle Aim-Relative Controls
Turn On/Off to enable or disable aim-relative controls in vehicles with turrets. When set to On, the vehicle will attempt to move relative to where the camera is aiming. When set to Off, the vehicle will move relative to its own facing. When using custom input bindings, this option only affects the “aim-relative” input bindings. This option will not affect Transport vehicles. The default is set to On.
Vehicle Boost
Select an option to choose whether to Hold or Click the button to activate the Vehicle Boost. The default is set to Click.

Vehicle Weapon Zoom
Select an option to choose whether to Hold the button for vehicle weapon zoom, or press the button to Toggle it on and off. The default is set to Hold.
Zoom Gunner
Set the input binding for Zoom Gunner.. The default is set to LT.
Zoom Vehicle
Set the input binding for Zoom Vehicle. The default is set to LT.
Zoom Aircraft
Set the input binding for Zoom Aircraft. The default is set to LT.
Aircraft Control Sensitivity
Adjust the slider to change the sensitivity of pilot controls. This option has a value range of 0 to 0 to 100. The default is set to 70.
Helicopter Control Assists
Turn On/Off to enable or disable automatically hovering your helicopter when no input is applied. The default is set to On.
Vertical Mouse Ratio
Adjust the ratio of vertical aim to horizontal aim for the soldier. This option has a value range of
20 to 180. The default is set to 48.
Vehicle Zoom Aim Ratio
Adjust the ratio of vertical aim to horizontal aim while zoomed in a vehicle. The option has a value range of 20 to 180. The default is set to 80.
Uniform Vehicle Aiming
Turn On/Off to enable or disable the use of a procedural aim rate when in zoom, instead of the original preset numbers. The procedural aim rate tries to approximate constant movement in 2D screen space regardless of the current Field of View/Zoom amount. This helps with muscle memory for aiming. The default is set to Off.
Adjust the slider to fine-tune the uniform vehicles aiming, if enabled. This option has a value range of 0 to 300. The default is set to 133.A greater value results in a higher sensitivity at higher zoom levels.