"What you see is NEVER what you get..."
Mysteen is a mysterious and cunning competitor, who attacks with illusion & deception. Her home region, Conjura, as well as her reason for joining the Rocket Championship Tour, are shrouded in secrecy.
She is a powerful wielder of magic, and she has more than one trick up her sleeve. Using her spells, she can conjure a shield that blocks all incoming opponent projectiles.
Her most powerful magic even allows her to create a phantasm, an identical copy of herself. This ability causes her enemies to see double, and she may swap places with it at any time. The phantasm can truly bewilder her opponents, allowing her to cover multiple sections of the arena at once and to escape danger at a moment’s notice.
Accurate single shot. Every third consecutive attack fires a 3-round burst.
Conjure a shield to block incoming rockets.
Materialize a Mysteen double. Reactivate to swap places with it.