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Rocket Arena Season 3

New Hero, Emotes, Totem Companions, New Blast Pass, and More! Season 3 begins on January 20th.


January 20th 2021

There is a lot to celebrate in SEASON 3. For starters, check out the NEW CUSTOMIZATION ITEMS in the Blast Pass and then meet the NEW COMPETITOR!

Meet GANT, a powerful competitor who doesn’t just pack a punch... but also a ROCKET RIFLE and the ability to TRANSFORM. As Gant charges up, he’s able to unleash Crater’s guardian protector, the mighty GOLDEN GRYPHON.

At the start of Season 3 every hero has access to three new EXPRESSION categories. They can’t help but get stylish before a battle, emote mid-match, or strike a pose after a Victory.

To cap it all off, the championship tour has found some new friends: Totem COMPANIONS! Competitors and visitors alike should keep their eyes on the Blast Pass for more friends to call their own.

New Competitor: GANT

GANT is Crater’s homegrown superhero who fights for peace and decency from his base of operations, THE GRYPHON’S NEST, which is built into a cliff wall below Boom City, and above the Crystal Sea.

Training with Topnotch years ago, Gant’s high impact TALON ROCKETS, ability to LEAP, and GUARD proved Gant was as versatile in combat as he was intelligent. While Topnotch maintains a war-ready eye on The Desolation from the parapets of Fort Rocket, Gant now believes that the RocketBot threat is history. That’s why he left military service and found a new calling as Crater’s guardian, the GOLDEN GRYPHON.

Requiring massive energy to transform, Gant has to charge up before being able to unleash the Golden Gryphon. This enhanced outfit gives him ENHANCED MOBILITY and throws in a pair of GRYPHON GAUNTLETS for good measure. These servo-powered accessories allow Gant to deliver a spinning WHIRLWIND or a series of FLYING PUNCHES, to pummel his opponents. If all else fails, he can rush opponents with a devastating FLYING CHARGE!

Gant remains a role model and all-around cool guy. However, as the protector of Crater, Gant is distrustful of folks like Rev, with her biker-chick disdain for societal norms; and Blastbeard, whose rambunctious buccaneering days are legendary. With his Rocket Rifle in hand, nobody would dare go rogue in front of him. He knows it, and they know it… or do they, really?

In Short, Gant is ready to right wrongs and rescue citizens and have some fun along the way.

New Customization Type: EMOTES

Season 3 introduces a whole new way to customize heroes in Rocket Arena with three emote expression categories. Players will be able to make their heroes EMOTE IN-GAME, activate their READY EMOTE during the Pre-Game sequence, and customize their favorite hero’s VICTORY POSE after winning a match!

Chat Emotes

Express your thoughts or highlight a great play using the in-game Chat Emotes to make your hero play an animation, even while moving!

  • Press the chat button in the lower-left of the screen at any time to make the hero animate right in the middle of the action.
  • To start, all characters have four default animations that are automatically equipped.
  • In-Game Emotes never get in the way of making an epic play! Players can emote at any point without worry, as it can be interrupted by their actions or by getting hit by an opponent.

Ready Emotes

After players select their Hero in the Pre-Game menu, they will be able to use the chat buttons in the bottom left of the screen to perform Ready Emote animations and show off their style to their teammates.

  • There are four Ready Emote slots available for players to customize.
  • Players will have a default Ready Emote equipped to start for all heroes.
  • Mix and match Ready Emotes to create fun combinations.

Victory Poses

Players can show off their own style of celebration during the Post-Game Victory sequence. All heroes have a default Victory Pose to start for when they’re on the winning team.

  • When the winning team is shown after a match, the heroes will strike a Victory Pose automatically.
  • Player’s can equip new Victory poses to show their style.
  • Each hero has one Victory Pose customization slot that can be modified.

How to Equip Expressions

To equip available expressions; enter the Competitor’s tab in the Front End UI and select a hero to customize. Located next to the Outfits, Artifacts, and Progress buttons, there is a new button that says ‘Expressions’. Each Rocket Championship Tour Competitor has three different Expression categories that can be customized.

  • Chat Emotes have four slots available. There are four Chat Emote animations equipped to each hero by default and all of them can be rearranged or replaced with new emotes as they’re acquired.
  • Ready Emote has four slots available. As Ready emotes are unlocked they can be equipped into any slot, rearranged, or replaced as new Ready emotes are acquired.
  • Victory Pose has one slot available. There is a default animation equipped in each Expression category to start.

New Customization Type: COMPANIONS

COMPANIONS have been added as a new Totem customization option. More Companions can be acquired through the Blast Pass or through direct purchase.

Totem Companions

Players can show off their 3D Companion in the Pre-Game and Post-Game menus! Companions each have a unique intro animation and come to a rest in the top right corner of their Totem!


Forever Snowman, Championship Trophy, and Dark Matter


Look your very best! All players will receive a Gant Ready Expression!, and purchasing the Blast Pass will immediately unlock Epic BlastBird, Legendary Topnotch Zephyr Salute Ready Expression, and the 100% Personal Blast Pass XP Boost, and 10% Party Blast Pass XP Boost!

Themed Blast Pass Outfits

Inspired by the new Competitor, Blastbeard and Plink forge their own outfits in an effort to join forces with Gant, unfortunately, Gant is a hero who is used to working alone.

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